9 Recovery Tips After Wisdom Teeth Surgery
Tip #1:
Keep fingers and tongue away from operative area.
Tip #2:
Avoid rinsing your mouth for at least twelve hours. It is permissible to drink liquids immediately. Please avoid drinking with a straw.
Tip #3:
Soft food may be taken after 4 hours. A regular diet can usually begin after 5 days.
Tip #4:
Provided there is no bleeding, begin careful oral hygiene the day following surgery. Rinse your mouth vigorously with warm salt water (a half teaspoon of salt in a glass of water) after each meal. Brush your teeth using a soft toothbrush and toothpaste. Avoid brushing the surgical site for the first two days, then brush gently to remove food debris.
Tip #5:
Bleeding - It is normal for saliva to be lightly streaked with blood for about one day. If excess bleeding is present, fold gauze moistened in hot water into a firm thick wad and place directly onto the site. Maintain steady pressure for 20 minutes or longer. The less frequently the gauze is changed, the better. Please do not spit and avoid chewing the gauze pad. Do not rinse your mouth until bleeding has stopped (usually after 12 hours).
Tip #6:
Refrain from smoking or vaping for at least 72 hours.
Tip #7:
Pain - for simple type of surgery, aspirin or tylenol tablets may be taken before the freezing wears off.
Tip #8:
Swelling is to be expected in certain cases after reaching its maximum in about 48 hours, then disappearing spontaneously in a further four to five days. An ice bag may be applied outside the face, next to the site of the surgery for 20 minutes every two hours for the first day after the surgery.
Tip #9:
Discoloration or bruising can occur. It is harmless and will disappear spontaneously in ten days, but can be extended to the face and neck. Do contact your dentist should you have any concerns.